Publication of the specific Guide "Scale-up for start-ups and micro-enterprises" for public consultation

The Center Regional Development Agency recently published the draft applicant's guide for Intervention 1.4.2: Scale up for start-ups and micro-enterprises within the Center Region Program 2021-2027.

The targeted cities of the central region are: Alba, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures and Sibiu. The state wanting to finance 138 companies from the Central Region in this way.

The applicant's guide brought to public debate includes Investment Priority 1 "A competitive region through innovation and dynamic enterprises for a smart economy" - Specific Objective 1.3 "Intensification of sustainable growth and increase of competitiveness of SMEs and creation of jobs within SMEs , including through productive investments" and Specific Objective 1.4 "Development of skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship" Action 4 "Growth of SMEs through investments, industrial modernization, technological advance and a sustainable economy", Intervention 1.4.2 "Scale-up for start-ups and micro-enterprises".

Those who wish to send observations and proposals can fill in the form published on the ADR Centru website, which they can send to the address helpdesk@adrcentru.ro, between 03.07.2023 and 02.08.2023.


According to the calendar published on the ADR Center website, after the final realization of the guide, the projects session should be opened between September 2023 and January 2024, for the submission of projects in the MySMIS2021 system.

The total budget of the project call for micro-enterprises is 27,607,118 euros, of which 23,466,050 euros are European funds and the rest is to be filled from the state budget.

From the total budget of the call, the sum of 5,328,262 euros is allocated to actions regarding supporting ecological production processes and the efficient use of resources in companies.

From this budget, it will be possible to access non-reimbursable aid amounting to:

• EUR 25,000 - EUR 100,000 for startups (micro-enterprises with a maximum of 3 years of age).

• EUR 25,000 - EUR 200,000 for the other micro-enterprises.

• The applicant's minimum contribution is 10% of the amount of eligible expenses.

The applicant's guide, the presentation sheet of the public consultation guide as well as the table with observations and proposals are available on the ADR Center website https://www.regiocentru.ro/scale-up-pentru-start-up-uri-si-microentreprinderi/