Funding opportunities for SMEs in the Centre Region

The Ministry of Investment and European Projects will organize on 20 November 2023, starting at 12:00 noon, the event FINANCING INFO MONDAY, with the theme Financing opportunities for SMEs in the Central Region.

The event will be addressed by Mr Simion Cretu, Director General of the Regional Development Agency Centru

The webinar will bring to the attention of the participants the presentation of the funding opportunities that will be offered by the Guide related to Action 2.2 "Digital enterprises for an advanced economy - smart specialisation sectors".

The call funds:

1. the adoption of digital technologies to improve internal business processes: the management of raw materials for production, of production itself, the increase in the quality of services offered and interaction with customers, including the simplification and streamlining of logistics activities through specialised products and systems ranging from data management and analysis systems (e.g. RPA, CRM, PLM, ERP, etc.), VR/AR products and systems, to data collection via IoT and the use of this data in automated production lines, including customised solutions for specific problems or niches.

2. Development of solutions incorporating simple artificial intelligences (e.g. algorithms with predictable responses: Reactive AI - spam filters, recommendation engines including engines embedded in chat bots) and those based on complex intelligences (e.g. algorithms with limited memory: vehicle automation, text-to-image, complex chat bot systems with limited memory) and development of state-of-the-art AI technologies for innovative solutions (Theory of Mind AI)

3. Development of digital communication with suppliers/customers, (e.g. e-invoicing systems, systems for digitised control circuit, etc.);

4. Training in the use of the digital tools acquired.

Applications can be made by filling in the form available at https://oportunitati-ue.gov.ro/eveniment/oportunitati-de-finantare-pentru-imm-urile-din-regiunea-centru

Meeting link: https://mfe.webex.com/mfe/j.php?MTID=m7eb9edffd28c527b0f40b9014cd311eb