Absorption rate of European funds Romania compared to other countries

European funds are the main source of financing for investment projects, which gives Romanians the opportunity for a better life and a stronger economy, a better road, rail and hospital infrastructure. In the case of Romania, the discussion on the absorption of European funds is necessary both in terms of quality (what they are used for and how well) and quantity (how many funds we have attracted and at what pace). We will refer below only to the latter aspect, noting that Romania has a steady increase in the absorption of European funds.

The European Union has allocated €454 billion to around 500 programmes under the Structural and Investment Funds (ESI) for the period 2014-2020, of which Romania has received €33.47 billion.

Sursa: Comisia Europeană 

By 26.09.2023, €29.76 billion of these funds have been absorbed, i.e. 82.65% of the total allocation. A further €9.2 billion of funds are still to be absorbed. However, absorption remains below the European average of 84.9%. However, compared to previous years, there has been a very high level of absorption of European funds.

In view of the pandemic period and the period with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, all European countries have encountered difficulties in absorbing European funds, especially in the management of the two overlapping programmes, namely the 2014-2020 programme and the 2021-2027 programme and the NRPs at national level.

For the period 2021-2027, Romania has around €80 billion to manage, including funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and the classic funds, plus the €6 billion so far unabsorbed.

Unfortunately, absorption from the NERP is lagging behind due to non-implementation of some reforms and non-fulfilment of some NERP milestones, such as those related to "special pensions". Every day that this money is delayed in the country is an attack on the national interest and the Romanian economy. European money can solve many problems, many shortcomings of our country.

Money received per Operational Programme (EUR) in Romania

Sursa: Comisia Europeană
Sursa: Ministerul Investitiilor și Proiectelor Europene https://mfe.gov.ro/

Degree of absorption of European funds in Harghita County

Our county ranks 23rd at national level in the absorption of European funds, the number of European projects attracted is 329 worth 319.86 million euros. The highest number of projects through European funds are carried out by Tulcea with a total of 789 projects followed by Cluj Napoca with 788 projects, and the lowest number of European projects is found in Ialomita 140 projects and in Covasna 144 projects.

If we look at the value of the projects, we see that the municipality of Bucharest has obtained projects worth 3371.83 million Euros, followed by Constanta which obtained funds worth 1810.03 million Euros and Cluj 1546.87 million Euros. The projects with the lowest value are in the counties of Ialomita 222.74 million euro and Covasna 171.31 million euro.

Sursa: Realizare proprie pe baza datelor furnizate de Ministerul Proiectelor și Investițiilor Europene https://mfe.gov.ro/

What European funds are we accessing in Harghita County?

Sursă: realizare proprie pe baza datelor furnizate de  www.recorder.ro  
Sursa: Ministerul Investitiilor și Proiectelor Europene https://mfe.gov.ro/
Sursă: realizare proprie pe baza datelor furnizate de  www.recorder.ro  

The distribution of European funds according to environment and urban agglomerations is uniform. The European funds allocated to the rural environment are 49.11% and those allocated to the urban environment are 50.89%.

Sursă: realizare proprie pe baza datelor furnizate de  www.recorder.ro  

We can see from the graph above that road infrastructure is the main sector where investments are made and this is very important for mobility, tourism and the economy of a county, as it is through this sector that most goods and passengers are moved, both by car and by public transport. The second sector in which European funds are invested at county level is water and sewerage, it is an important factor because it ensures people's comfort resulting in social stability. Investments in schools and kindergartens ensure that children have a safe environment in which to carry out their activities and benefit from the most advanced technology. On the other hand, the establishment of new schools and kindergartens ensures that all children have access to education, i.e. a better future (decent living, better/well paid jobs, etc.).

The localities where the most investment is made in Harghita County

Sursă: realizare proprie pe baza datelor furnizate de  www.recorder.ro  

As we can see in the graph above, Miercurea Ciuc is investing the most at county level, other localities that benefit from a high absorption of European funds are Odorheiu Secuiesc, Gheorgheni and Toplița. In our analysis we also identified a locality in Harghita county where there is no project developed from European funds, this is the commune of Lunca de sus. This analysis is based on data provided by the Ministry of Development, the Ministry of European Funds, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and the County Council, this commune does not have any investment projects approved or underway.  This centralisation does not include projects carried out by local authorities with their own funds.

Accession to the European Union means, among other opportunities and benefits, a real potential for development using European funds attracted at the level of each country. For example, Poland has used these funds in recent years to modernise its transport infrastructure on a large scale, which is a real lever for stimulating development.

(http://starea-natiunii.ro/index.php/ro/ )