What is the evolution of the Szekler product trademark compared to some other trademarks in the same category?
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
From the data analysed by the types of brands mentioned above, it appears that the Szekler product brand ranks second with 162 producers. Sibiu ranks first with the highest number of producers, namely 214, and the Mures trademark ranks third with 93 producers.
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
On the other hand, if we look at the number of products manufactured by these local producers, we see that the largest number of traditional products is manufactured in Sibiu, namely 2183, and in second place are producers with the Szekler Product brand with a number of 1022 products. The third place goes to the producers from Bucovina which, although there are 37 producers, total 987 products. We mention that these data are made on the basis of market research, such as access to websites set up for the sale and promotion of local products as well as registration of the trademark at the Office for Inventions and Trademarks, so the number of products made by producers are approximate.
For the trademarks registered at the OSIM analysed by us in the above graph it appears that local producers united under the trademark produced by Sibiu are 214 with approximately 2183 products. The best known product is "Sibiu salami" which is the second Romanian product recognized at European level and is produced by 6 producers and sold under 16 brands, after Topoloveni Plum Magiun in 2011. According to the authorities, Telemeaua de Ibănești will soon be recognized as well.
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
The trademark "Szekler Product" was registered at the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM), after the Harghita County Council submitted documentation to this effect over 13 years ago. Harghita County Council currently owns the trademark and the County Development Agency currently manages it.
Local producers who have managed to obtain the right to use the Community trademark Produs Secuiesc number 162 in 2023. In 2022 these producers manufactured 1022 products. The Harghita County Development Agency together with the Harghita County Council continues the evaluation process of the local producers who wish to obtain the Szekler Product trademark. Therefore, the number of producers acquiring the right to use the trademark is constantly increasing, which is also shown in the graph above which shows the evolution of the number of local producers who have obtained the Szekler Product trademark.
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
As a result of their regular participation in the seasonal traditional product fairs (spring, autumn, Whitsun and Christmas) organised since 2009, and in the monthly fairs organised since 2011, more than 30 producers have become entrepreneurs, providing employment at least for their own families. The number of participants in the monthly fairs has multiplied, from 60 participants in 2009 to about 700 visitors/day at the end of 2022. If we refer to the year 2020, we can say that because of the SARS-COV 2 pandemic the number of visitors to the fairs was lower due to the restrictions imposed by the Government. The number of visitors to the 2-day fairs organised by the Harghita County Development Agency reached 2,500 visitors/fair.
The number of producers who will sell their products in chain stores was 8 at the end of 2022.
There is also a significant increase in producers participating in the monthly fairs. At present the number exceeds 60 every month, which means a satisfaction of the inhabitants of the cities to consume healthy products, and last but not least means an economic progress for our farmers, who produce quality food. The number of producers participating in the monthly fairs was 65 producers/fair in 2022.
Source: own research, market research, access to producers' website, associations, OSIM trademark verification
The main challenges faced by local producers, but also as a result of the pandemic, are:
- Lack of guidance and opportunities to help local producers reach new customers more easily;
- The inability of business customers to pay their bills on time;
- Cash flow imbalances caused by unplanned expenses or invoices not received on time;
- Limited access to conventional sources of finance to cover current expenses;
- Risk of non-payment of salaries or other debts;
- Lack of digital platforms to facilitate online shopping from both a business to business and business to consumer perspective, as well as to automatically synchronise data to reduce errors and efficiently manage inventory;
- The introduction of procedures for maintaining safety in employees, processes and manufactured products, which has slowed down production lines and therefore efficiency;
- Lack of financial education of local entrepreneurs;
- Increased charges for various contracted services, which increase production costs, etc.
In the Harghita County Development Agency we want to support local producers and we are still organizing:
- fairs: monthly and seasonal (spring, autumn, winter, Rulasii fairs)
- promotion of Szekler products through participation in national and international fairs
- development of a mobile phone application where all producers who have obtained the Szekler Product label will be registered
- more producers to obtain the Szekler Product trademark (annual evaluation of products for the Szekler Product trademark)
Each producer should take into account the functions of the trademark, i.e. the function of differentiation of the products, the function of competition, the function of guaranteeing a constant quality level, the function of advertising and the function of consumer protection.
In the future, the Harghita County Development Agency wants to support producers to obtain a product in the category of products recognized at European level, a product that can obtain European recognition with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
To encourage local producers in Harghita County to produce traditional products from their own farms, healthy, natural, to raise awareness among the population of the traditional values specific to the region, to train the inhabitants of Harghita County, a greater demand for the consumption of these products, which are much healthier and of much better quality than those bought in the big shops, which are still preferred by a large proportion of the population, and the granting of the right to use the 'SZÉKELY TERMÉK/PRODUS SECUIESC/SEKLER PRODUKT' trademarks for as many high-quality traditional and local products as possible.
In addition, it is very important for each producer to bear in mind the functions of the trademark, i.e. the function of differentiating products, the function of competition, the function of guaranteeing a constant level of quality, the function of advertising and the function of consumer protection.
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