The evolution of the level of the average net salary in Harghita county

The first quarter of the current year, 2023, looks promising for employees in Harghita county, as the average net salary amounts to 3,597 lei per person, our county registering the highest increase in the average net salary in the last decade. In 2022, the average net salary for the entire county was 2,885, our county ranking last in the county ranking.

The increase in the level of the average net salary led to an increase in the ranking of counties by salary level, with Harghita County occupying the 25th place in the ranking and surpassing counties such as Maramureș, Dâmbovița, Neamț, Bistriţa-Năsăud. The last place in the county ranking is Teleorman county, with a net average salary level of 3,143 recorded in the first quarter of the current year.

Regarding the fields of activity, the highest average net salary gain was recorded in the service industry in the third month of the year, totaling an average net salary gain of 3,673. In agriculture, forestry and fishing of 3,390 lei, in industry and construction of 3,514 lei.

According to statistical data, the number of employees in March was 73,971 people (Exclusive of the armed forces and assimilated personnel (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Romanian Information Service).

Data source: 

National Institute of Statistics www.insse.ro  and http://statisticiromania.ro/clasamente